Woodwork for Inventor Winter Holiday Promo

It took us only 10 years to bring you this, so don’t miss your chance, because another one might not come for another 10. After lots of consideration, we’ve decided that it’s time to offer you a sweetener for each new license acquired. Therefore, all those who purchase new licenses of any type of Woodwork for Inventor (Basic, CAM, or Nesting) will receive 1 year of maintenance for free.

Benefits of the Maintenance Plan:

  1. New version of Woodwork for Inventor next year.
  2. Home user license for the entire maintenance plan validation period.

Promo starts on December 20th and ends on February 14th.

For more information, get in touch with our partners or email us at info@woodworkforinventor.com.

Woodwork for Inventor

Design furniture of any complexity level and from any material

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