
Amazing furniture design. i4Mariani

Do you know how many companies in the world survive past their first year? About 20%. And only half of those reach 5 years barrier. In order to reach a decade you have to jump into a train of lucky 1/3 of those who lasted 5 years. Kind of scary. But not for Italian company i 4 Mariani which this year is celebrating its’ 60 years of success. Continue reading…

Amazing furniture design. Entero Ltd.


Today we will present you a story and amazing designs of our clients from Serbia – company called Entero. This company has a very deep tradition and culture. One of the values they believe in is that “The quality of our crafts and work today needs to be bigger and better than the quality of our service yesterday.” It shows how they are trying to improve on everyday basis and it’s very impressive. Continue reading…

Amazing furniture design. Chairconcept Ltd.

Chairconcept – Polish furniture design fashionista


“…we love furniture, we love good style and we love what we do” – this is how Chairconcept describe themselves. And you can tell that they are speaking the truth. Just look at the designs they are creating. Models match with the interior perfectly. Doesn’t matter if it’s hotel, apartment or department store – all pieces has a perfect place in the surrounding.

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Amazing furniture design. ARDA Co. Ltd


We are proudly presenting a new series of articles about Woodwork for Inventor users who are doing an amazing job creating various furniture designs. We want to celebrate creativity and show the art works of talented designers.

First in the series is our client from colorful Vietnam – ARDA Co. Ltd. We’ve been working together for almost a year and loved every minute of it.

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Woodwork for Inventor webinar in UK

April 24th, 2017 Woodwork for Inventor webinar in UK

Our team is very glad to share with you a perfect Woodwork for Inventor webinar (do follow link please) made by Graitec Ltd. (UK). Here you’ll get an insight into how Woodwork for Inventor (W4I) plug-in speed up the design process and automate key processes for your designs.  Continue reading…

Furniture design software

4 signs you should upgrade your furniture design software

Lots of woodworkers love their tools, which they use for the design of furniture. They are comfortable using it, they know how it works and they know the flaws software has and workarounds to correct those flaws. What else would you need, right? Well, that is not the way anymore. Although your software doe’s whatever it suppose to do, that doesn’t mean the same job couldn’t be done better, faster, easier. Just imagine if there would be a machine, which could transport you from one place to another in seconds. You could move from home to work and backward, to shop, to pick up kids from school in seconds. Would you still want to go back to your car and spend hours in traffic jams, instead of dedicating this time for family, work or just yourself? Not so much, ha? The same rule works for design software, while the old ways still work – it’s not the best anymore. So check out these 4 signs and decide if it’s time for you to upgrade your furniture design software: Continue reading…